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Will the sunset or daughter rise for Serena Williams?

Last few weeks has been pretty bad for the tennis giant Serena Williams.  With a lot of controversies popping up on her argument with US Opens umpire, I just sat aside loading her horoscope on my laptop. Is she going to keep the tough going or slide into the warm role of womanhood.

Firstly, taking her horoscope into concern, her 10th lord being very strong from the planet of Saturn, she still has a good long journey to walk in her career. It doesn't look like the dooms day of her career is coming any near
Many people can criticize on the viewpoint that after her childbirth there has been a major downfall in career.
But analysing her 5th lord aspect from the career, she will have a comeback and make her mark even after the child is born.
From her horoscope many planets are placed in the Kendra and trikona sthana from Saturn. This clearly shows her career will last long.
There might be slow downs in the career till the period of 2018 November but there is still a lot of steam left and many more opens to win.


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